BRAINTEASER Focus Group Series: How to maximize the use and value of healthcare data

2nd On-line Workshop | February 21st, 2023


The second of the four BRAINTEASER Focus Groups dedicated to the exploitation and sustainability of the project’s results was held online on February 21st, 2023.

The goal of the Focus Group online series, organized by BRAINTEASER in collaboration with its community, is to broaden the project’s perspective on users and market needs and to gather additional inputs to support the go-to-market strategy toward the project’s most appropriate exploitation routes. The first workshop, held on February 1st, 2022, provided an overview of the BRAINTEASER project as a whole,  spotting a light on the apps and clinical tools that were under development.

The second Focus Group aimed to gather insights on how to maximize the use and value of healthcare data, highlighting the critical role that high-quality data plays in the successful application of AI-based solutions, with a focus on health data collection, data utilization, and data sharing.

The workshop’s agenda tackled challenges and opportunities related to data quality and addressed topics such as patient recruitment and the exploitation of data-based solutions for clinicians and industry. Moderated by Maria Fernanda Cabrera – BRAINTEASER Coordinator, the plenary discussion involved speakers from advocacy patient groups: (Pedro Carracal – Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes, Raquel Barajas – Fundación Luzón), medical and scientific experts (Sofia Ortet – Mental healthcare specialist and Clinical psychologist, Vojin Rakic – University of Belgrade, Center for the Study of Bioethics), in silico medicine experts (Giulia Russo – Mimesis, Università di Catania) and policy and regulation experts (Marcello Benedetto Melgara – Agenzia Regionale per Innovazione ed Acquisti (ARIA), Regione Lombardia and Daniele Bollati – IMQ).

All participants engaged in a dialogue on clinical unmet needs, diseases course and building disease awareness across communities of practice. Value added of data sharing, biggest obstacles in data collection for the implementation of AI-based tools, patient motivation, GDPR, barriers to a wider adoption of digital twins were also among the topics tackled.

For more information about the project and artificial intelligence models, please feel free to contact us at



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