4 stretching exercises to improve hand mobility – Portuguese Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (APELA)


4 stretching exercises to improve hand mobility, proposed by the Portuguese Association of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (APELA). Please, notice that the number of repetitions, speed, and limit of time for each exercise should be adapted to each person. As a general rule, please stop the exercise when you start to notice muscular fatigue.

Exercise 1

Turn your palm upwards and, with your other hand, grab the fingers and stretch your elbow (you should feel the palm of your hand stretching). If you grab upwards, as shown in the second image, you will feel the palm of your hand and forearm stretch.

Exercise 2

The same thing can be done, this time to stretch the dorsal side of the hand and forearm.

Exercise 3

Begin by entwining your fingers, then rotate your palms downwards, then forward, stretching your elbows. You should feel the palm of your hands stretching.

Exercise 4

Put your hands on a table. Then, tilt your torso forward until you feel your body weight on your hands. You will feel your forearm and the palms of your hands stretching.


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