SERMAS – Madrid

Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón/SERMAS-Madrid

Gregorio Marañón University Hospital (Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón) belongs to Servicio Madrileño de Salud: SERMAS (Madrid Health Service), and stands out for the high training and qualification of its professionals, for its teaching and research capacity and for its technological endowment, being a national and international reference in various specialties.

?The Neurology department began its activity in 1969, initially as a section, and has been considered a separate department since 1980. Its current mission is to provide comprehensive care for patients with diseases that involve the nervous system.
It is a Department of recognized prestige and national reference. 

Which is the target number of patients to be recruited (specify MS/ALS). Outline of inclusion criteria. How many professionals will be included in piloting?

As a clinical partner, the SERMAS will provide one hundred patients; seventy diagnosed with multiple sclerosis(MS), and thirty diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The patients will be enrolled after giving informed consent, and they will be followed by a multidisciplinary team composed by three neurologists, one senior researcher and two junior researchers.

Which will be the clinical protocol used for the cohort of recruited patients, indication of sensors that will be used and of the data (Demographic, clinical, lifestyle, environmental, genetic, other…) that will be gathered?

All patients attending our centre that meet the enrolment criteria will be asked to participate in the study. A smartwatch and a portable environmental sensor will be provided so that physiological parameters, daily activities, and air quality exposure can be continuously monitored. These data will be collected in conjunction with demographic and clinical variables usually studied in MS and ALS, in addition to lifestyle habits, such as tobacco exposure and physical exercise. Participants will be trained on the use of these sensors and on the mobile app developed by the project. For twelve months, besides the standard clinical management, our team will be monitoring participants’ sensors data and several variables collected through the mobile app (e.g., new symptoms, sleep quality and emotional distress).

Where we are in terms of recruitment and operations?

So far, 51 MS and 41 ALS patients have been enrolled. Their feedback, has contributed to the improvement of the technical solutions developed by BRAINTEASER.

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