IRCCS Mondino MS Centre

IRCCS Mondino MS Centre

The MS Center of the IRCCS National Neurological Insitute Mondino will enrol from sixty to seventy MS patients, eligible according to the defined inclusion and exclusion criteria set for the project. The patients will be enrolled in the study and followed by a multidisciplinary team composed of two senior neurologists, one junior neurologist, one resident neurologist and a neuropsychologist.


???Which will be the clinical protocol used for the cohort of recruited patients, indication of sensors that will be used and of the data (Demographic, clinical, lifestyle, environmental, genetic, other…) that will be gathered?

All patients attending our centre that meet the enrolment criteria will be asked to participate in the study. A smartwatch and a portable environmental sensor will be provided so that physiological parameters, daily activities, and air quality exposure can be continuously monitored. These data will be collected in conjunction with demographic and clinical variables usually studied in MS, in addition to lifestyle habits, such as tobacco exposure and physical exercise. Participants will be trained on the use of these sensors and on the mobile app developed by the project. For twelve months, besides the standard clinical management, our team will be monitoring participants’ sensor data and several variables collected through the mobile app (e.g., new symptoms, sleep quality and emotional distress).

Where we are in terms of recruitment and operations?

60 MS patients have been enrolled, with 5 drop-outs. Their feedback has contributed to the improvement of the technical solutions developed by BRAINTEASER.

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