BRAINTEASER project participates in the 5th Digital Health Society Summit #DHSSummit23!
This session explores the vital importance of adopting FAIR principles to make health data more findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. By embracing these principles, we can unlock the true value of health data and facilitate its secondary use for a wide range of applications. Join us to discover how the data can be made FAIR in the international R&D projects that collect, process and generate a huge amount of data. BRAINTEASER project is represented by Nicola Ferro, Full Professor at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova.
This session will explore the relationships between the environment and human health, with a special focus on the role of data in advancing our understanding of the dependencies between those factors. Join us for the discussion to gain a deeper appreciation of how data can refine and expand our knowledge of these crucial linkages, paving the way for more informed decisions and policies that benefit both our wellbeing and the planet. BRAINTEASER project is represented by Daniele Pala, Assistant Professor (RTDa), University of Pavia.
Join us at the 2 days virtual event, organized by the Digital Health Society and the ECHAlliance, promoting the latest thought leadership of the DHS, showcases innovation, research, European funded projects and addresses the latest digital and data challenges facing digital health.
And don’t miss the chance to visit the BRAINTEASER project virtual booth!