Saturday 1st October, Umberto Manera, University of Turin, will participate with a poster on BRAINTEASER at the UNIGHT – European Researchers’ Night.
The event represents an immersive experience that involves researchers from five Countries with the aim of enhancing the dialogue between citizens and science, to actively participate in the most relevant social challenges of the present and the future.
The BRAINTEASER poster will be presented during the Scientific café “The Green Brain”, curated by the University of Turin, Department of Neuroscience “Rita Levi Montalcini”. The talk will be aimed at understanding the impact of food and environmental pollutants on the health of our brain.
Where: Casa del quartiere di San Salvario, Via Morgari, 14 – Torino (IT)
When: 5:00 – 8:00pm, October 1st 2022