On June 3rd took place the first open Co-design workshop of BRAINTEASER to present and discuss the digital tools that the consortium is in process of design and development. The workshop was conducted by Manuel Ottaviano (Universidad Politécnica of Madrid) and thank to the support of the coordinator (Maria Fernanda Cabrera, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) , the technical manager Barbara di Camillo (Univesitá di Padova) and the responsible for the environmental monitoring Arianna Dagliati (Universitá degli studi di Pavia) it was possible to give an overall presentation of the advances of the project. The workshop also was supported by panelists of experts (see the agenda below) from different disciplines; they helped to analyze several aspects of the tools for MS and ALS. The discussion started on possible digital solutions to foster patients to have an active role in the disease to then also put the attention on approaches that can alleviate the burden for caregivers.
A very fruitful discussion has been performed on procedures for remote assessment to understand the potential of digital technologies and early identify relapses. These topics have been extended to the usage of AI models to characterize the disease evolution and its use in clinical practice. The last part of the workshop focused on environmental monitoring: BRAINTEASER aims to build a sensor network in the city to monitor the exposure from air pollutants. The experts discussed best practices for the deployment and novel ways to communicate to the user the environmental risks.
Moderator: Manuel Ottaviano, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
10:30 | Welcome and overall project presentation Maria Fernanda Cabrera Universidad Politécnica de Madrid |
10:45 | Challenges faced by BRAINTEASER Barbara Di Camillo Università di Padova |
11:00 | Co-design session on the preliminary BRAINTEASER concept – Panel discussions – Medical and scientific experts in ALS and MS – Patient and Family associations MS and ALS – Experts in environmental sensors and or / environmental health / urban health Workshop’s audience involvement in co-design activities |
12:20 | Q&A Session |
12:45 | Closing remarks |