As part of its dissemination core set of activities, BRAINTEASER reached out to other EU funded Horizon2020 projects with similar objectives and common challenges with the aim to identify potential areas of collaboration. A first meeting took place in October 2021 with representatives from BRAINTEASER, Lethe, RADAR-AD and AI-Mind. Participants identified the potential added value of sharing collected data that would give the projects access to trustworthy databanks and algorithms. Exchanges on the solutions developed to collect the data was also seen as an area of potential mutual benefits. In particular, BRAINTEASER is keen to explore the potential use of the solution already developed by RADAR-AD which could potentially be transferred to the fields of MS and ALS. Exchanges will be pursued between these projects along these lines
BRAINTEASER at the “Settimana del Cervello” 2025
Exploring AI and the environment in neurodegenerative disease research “La Settimana del...