BRAINTEASER at the “Settimana del Cervello” 2025
Exploring AI and the environment in neurodegenerative disease research “La Settimana del Cervello” – Brain Awareness Week – is an international initiative aimed at raising awareness about advancements in brain research, neurological and...

BRAINTEASER impact and exploitation workshop: driving innovation from lab to market
BRAINTEASER’s liaison activities are fostering synergies in brain research to maximise impact, with a particular focus on leveraging AI to improve the lives of people living with neurological conditions like Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Amyotrophic...

Harnessing AI for brain health: lab to market to society
Bringing Artificial Intelligence home for a better care of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis 13 November 2024 from 16:00-17:50 CET at Brain Innovation Days, The EGG Brussels, Belgium Register for online participation! Join...
“Living with her” Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – An interview with Raquel Estúñiga Dominguez
Do you also forget the realities that don’t seem so close to you? Realities like Raquel Estúñiga Dominguez's, who dedicates her time to raising awareness about ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) so that others may better understand it. From the...

A look inside BRAINTEASER’s journey in Turin: a conversation with Prof. Adriano Chiò
As the BRAINTEASER project draws to a close, Natalia Allegretti, Senior Innovation Project Manager at ECHAlliance and leader of its dissemination and communication, sits down with Prof. Adriano Chiò, neurologist and head of the ALS Centre at the...

BRAINTEASER’s Exploitation Focus Group Series
Exploitation is a crucial activity of BRAINTEASER as it connects the results of the project to their subsequent market commercialization, aiming at a broader reach to the ALS and MS community. Within the Exploitation activities, a series of Focus...

iDPP Open Evaluation Challenges and FAIR Data: The BRAINTEASER Approach to Open Science
by Nicola Ferro, Full professor in computer science at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua, Italy. During its ideation but, even more, during its execution, the BRAINTEASER project adopted a strong focus on...

Press Release – Empowering healthcare with AI: BRAINTEASER at the forefront of innovation
By: Sergio González Martínez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid With the support of: Natalia Allegretti, ECHAlliance - The Global Health Connector The BRAINTEASER project is at the forefront of healthcare advancements, utilising Artificial...

Living with ALS: Psychosocial support is essential for patients and caregivers
Patients with ALS face gradual loss of motor function that significantly impacts the quality of their daily life. In parallel, family members often become the primary caregivers for ALS patients, assuming the responsibility for their daily care and...

BRAINTEASER CoP webinar: Living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
The BRAINTEASER Community of Practice Second webinar Advances in digital technology are helping us to predict the onset of a disease, how it will progress, or which is the best treatment option for a particular person. In other words,...

Living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
The BRAINTEASER Community of Practice Second webinar Advances in digital technology are helping us to predict the onset of a disease, how it will progress, or which is the best treatment option for a particular person. In other words,...

Women in Multiple Sclerosis webinar: take-home messages
In the Webinar: Women in Multiple Sclerosis, hosted by the Community of Practice of the BRAINTEASER project, we focused on the role of hormones on the onset and progression of the disease and delved deeply into several aspects of pregnancy. But...

A glimpse into the multicentric observational study – Patient and physician perspectives from Lisbon
The Lisbon Academic Medical Center (Centro Académico de Medicina de Lisboa-CAML) is one of the four clinical hubs within the BRAINTEASER initiative, with a specific focus on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. Currently, the center is...

Harnessing AI, Big Data, and the European Health Data Space for Revolutionary Advances in Research and Clinical Practice
At the Brain Innovation Days held in Brussels on October 26-27, 2023, organised by the European Brain Council, representatives from the BRAINTEASER project and from other pertinent initiatives gathered for a roundtable discussion. The focus was on...

The iDPP@CLEF Challenge as a Way to Open Science
By: Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy iDPP@CLEF [1] is an open evaluation challenge to assess the performance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to predict the progression of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple...

Catalysing Innovation: Establishing a Dynamic Ecosystem through Collaborative Networking with Relevant Projects and Initiatives
Participating in collaborative networks with pertinent projects and initiatives is pivotal for progressing in research and innovation pursuits. This collaborative approach offers numerous advantages that greatly enhance the success and impact of...

BRAINTEASER Focus Group Series: AI-based solutions for patients and health professionals
3rd On-line Workshop 11 December 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 CET BRAINTEASER is a data science project that seeks to exploit the value of large clinical datasets, integrated with lifestyle and environmental data collected through low-cost sensors,...

#DHSSummit23 session – Refining the connections: Advancing evidence on the linkages between environment, health and data
The Digital Health Society Summit 2023 session “Refining the connections: Advancing evidence on the linkages between environment, health and data” dived into the relationships between the environment and human health, focusing on the role of data...

AI state-of-play around clinical research – BRAINTEASER Community of Practice
The life sciences sector is beginning to experience the transformative effects of AI, with numerous applications offering clinical, operational, and medical advantages. Unlike other industries, life sciences face the unique challenge of...

The Gender dimension in Multiple Sclerosis – The BRAINTEASER Community of Practices launches its first webinar
Advances in digital technology are helping us to predict the onset of a disease, how it will progress, or which is the best treatment option for a particular person. In other words, technology allows us to shift to person-centred healthcare, and...

Cutting-edge Big Data initiative seeks to provide crucial support to people affected by Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis
Mamede de Carvalho, a renowned neurologist and the head of the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Clinic at Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte (CHULN), situated at the prestigious Hospital de Santa Maria, recently unveiled the exciting...

Science can only benefit society when the policies follow – The European Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Coalition Policy Paper
The EU ALS Coalition policy paper has been officially presented at the EU ALS Coalition event “Time to improve the life of people living with ALS | Policy recommendations for improved diagnosis, care, and treatment” on 7th September 2023. The paper...

BRAINTEASER Press Release – Unleashing the IDPP@CLEF Potential: Assessing Predictive Algorithms and Enabling Data Sharing for Enhanced Research
Each year, the BRAINTEASER project organizes an open evaluation challenge, called iDPP@CLEF (Intelligent Disease Progression Prediction), to involve research groups from academia and industry in the assessment of the performance of their AI...

BRAINTEASER Roundtable – 2023 Brain Innovation Days
As part of the BRAINTEASER activities with linked EU projects, a roundtable discussion will be held at 2023 Brain Innovation Days (BIDays). Every year, BIDays bring the brain ecosystem together to foster dialogue, exchange knowledge, accelerate...

Brain Innovation Days – The Brain in the 21st Century
Led by the European Brain Council, Brain Innovation Days is a two-day event packed with countless networking/matchmaking opportunities. Participants include neuroscientists but also healthcare professionals, people with brain disorders, start-ups,...

45th European Conference on Information Retrieval, ECIR 2023 BRAINTEASER IDPP@CLEF 2023 presentation
On April 5th, computer science professor Nicola Ferro at the University of Padua (IT) has presented the paper “iDPP@CLEF 2023: The Intelligent Disease Progression Prediction Challenge” accepted at ECIR 2023. The 45th European Conference on...

Our Community of Practice
Advances in digital technology are helping us to predict the onset of a disease, how it will progress, or which is the best treatment option for a particular person. In other words, technology allows us to shift to person-centred healthcare, and...

Press Release: BRAINTEASER Mid Term workshop
A European digital health project that develops new tools to help patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis BRAINTEASER mid-term workshop took place on 28 February 2023 in the prestigious location of the University...

BRAINTEASER Focus Group Series: How to maximize the use and value of healthcare data
2nd On-line Workshop | February 21st, 2023 The second of the four BRAINTEASER Focus Groups dedicated to the exploitation and sustainability of the project’s results was held online on February 21st, 2023. The goal of the Focus Group online...

Press release: Newly developed AI Models by EU Digital Health Project To Show Promise in MS/ALS Care
Horizon2020 project BRAINTEASER has recently shared its artificial intelligence (AI) models for future application in its European pilot sites that include clinical tool testing amongst patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and amyotrophic lateral...

EU Digital Health Project Develops Novel Tools to Help Patients with MS and ALS
European Union-funded project BRAINTEASER has just announced the development of two tools–a dashboard and mobile application (app)–to help health professionals and patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The...

BRAINTEASER Half project’s way: the midterm workshop
You can register here to join the event online, but if you wish to join us in presence please click here! BRAINTEASER is a data science project that employs AI-based clinical software and mobile apps to support patients with amyotrophic lateral...

BRAINTEASER takes part in the Brain Innovation Days 2022
The second edition of the Brain Innovation Days took place on 11-12 October 2022 in Brussels (Belgium) and featured BRAINTEASER as one of the exhibitors in the Innovation Hall. This year's edition of the event – organised annually by BRAINTEASER...

BRAINTEASER contribution to the DHSS 2022
The Digital Health Society Summit 4th edition, that took place virtually on October 4th and 5th 2022, has seen the contribution of BRAINTEASER in two relevant panel discussions: “How do you maximise the use of Health data for innovation...

European Carers Day: An Opportunity to Show More Care to Those Who Provide Support
On 6 October 2022, we recognise European Carers Day, a campaign led by Eurocarers. It aims to coordinate and foster national efforts to raise awareness of carers’ issues under a pan-European structure. Informal care represents the most significant...

BRAINTEASER Conference Paper on Design and Optimization of REST Service Layer presented at ICCE Berlin 2022
Vladimir Urosevic, Research and Development Manager of Belit, represented the BRAINTEASER Consortium at the 12th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Technology ICCE-Berlin 2022 organized by the IEEE Consumer Technology Society. The Conference...

An Interview with Nicola Ferro: Discovering The iDPP@CLEF Challenge 2022
BRAINTEASER is excited to take part in the iDPP@CLEF Challenge 2022 happening on 5-8 September, We recently spoke about the event with organiser and full-time computer science professor Nicola Ferro at the University of Padua, Italy. Continue...

BRAINTEASER presents its first open evaluation challenge at ECIR
ECIR is the premier European conference on Information Retrieval and Information Access (CORE Rank A). ECIR teams up with CLEF in order to strengthen the European research community and organizes a session dedicated to presenting the ongoing labs...

iDPP@CLEF 2022: Intelligent Disease Progression Prediction at CLEF
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a chronic disease, characterized by progressive or alternate impairment of neurological functions (motor, sensory, visual, cognitive). Patients have to manage alternated periods in hospital with care at home,...

BRAINTEASER Focus Groups: suitable exploitation routes co-design first online workshop
The first out of four BRAINTEASER Focus Groups dedicated to the project’s results exploitation and sustainability, was held on February 1st 2022. These exploitation Focus Groups aim to broaden the project’s vision on users and market needs,...

The importance of patient stratification methods based on AI for disease onset and progression prediction
The inherent complexity of degenerative neurological diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS), and the particular requirement for unravelling new biomarkers warrant a novel approach that integrates...

Updates on the project’s liaison with relevant initiatives and projects
As part of its dissemination core set of activities, BRAINTEASER reached out to other EU funded Horizon2020 projects with similar objectives and common challenges with the aim to identify potential areas of collaboration. A first meeting took place...

Suitable exploitation routes co-design: BRAINTEASER approach to results’ sustainability and commercialisation strategy
One of the main objectives of the BRAINTEASER project is to exploit its results with the ultimate aim of improving care and quality of life of ALS and MS patients. To accompany the BRAINTEASER Consortium towards the most suitable results’...

BRAINTEASER is building up its community of practice
The BRAINTEASER community of practice will focus on the clinical use of Artificial Intelligence and digital tools to manage ALS and MS disease. It will be an innovation community to create new breakthrough ideas, approaches, and knowledge. The...

Special Session on “Artificial intelligence and statistical methods for neurodegenerative diseases” at the CIBB 2021
On November 16th, the 17th Conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB 2021) hosted the Special Session “Artificial Intelligence and Statistical Methods for Neurodegenerative Diseases”. The special...

BRAINTEASER Open Evaluation Challenges launch
The Intelligent Disease Progression Prediction (iDPP) challenge aims at designing and developing an evaluation infrastructure for AI algorithms able to: ● better describe disease mechanisms; ● ...

BRAINTEASER at the DHS Summit – Panel discussion “Cultural and regional aspects influencing digital health adoption and upscale”
On the 24th of November 2021, The Digital Health Society (DHS) and the ECHAlliance hosted a panel session within the Digital Health Society Summit 2021, on “Cultural and regional aspects influencing digital health adoption and upscale”, involving...

BRAINTEASER: Interview with Pieter van Galen Patient advocate, European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP)
The use of technologies in the treatment and management of multiple sclerosis: the experience of Pieter van Galen, Patient advocate, European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP) Pieter van Galen is from the Netherlands and studied Business &...

Get to Know more about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – Can ecological factors affect ALS disease phenotype and progression?
BRAINTEASER project aims to understand if different ecological factors can affect disease phenotype and progression of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS). Few studies investigated the spatial distribution...

Get to Know more about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – Hypothesis Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and environmental pollutants
BRAINTEASER project aims to understand if different ecological factors can affect disease phenotype and progression of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS). The “Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” campaign wants...

Register for the CIBB 2021 Special Session: Artificial intelligence and statistical methods for neurodegenerative diseases
The 17th Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics conference (CIBB 2021) will happen online on 15 - 17 November, 2021. The full agenda is now available. The session will dig into how big data in healthcare and...
![[Get to Know more about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis] The use of biotelemetry to explore disease](https://brainteaser.health/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Brainteaser-GIFs-NewsletterWebpage-1080x675.png)
[Get to Know more about Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis] The use of biotelemetry to explore disease
BRAINTEASER project aims to support patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis and their clinicians. “Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” campaign wants to bring attention to this condition and analyse the variables that might...
![[Get to Know more about Multiple Sclerosis] Air pollution and multiple sclerosis risk](https://brainteaser.health/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Brainteaser-GIFs-NewsletterWebpage-2-1080x675.jpg)
[Get to Know more about Multiple Sclerosis] Air pollution and multiple sclerosis risk
BRAINTEASER project aims to support patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis and their clinicians. "Get to Know more about Multiple Sclerosis" campaign wants to bring attention to this condition and on the variables that...

BRAINTEASER: Special Session on “Artificial intelligence and statistical methods for neurodegenerative diseases” at the 17th Conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB 2021)
On 15-17 November 2021, the 17th Conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics (CIBB 2021) will take place online. In this context, the University of Padova (Padova, Italy), member of the BRAINTEASER...

BRAINTEASER: Open co-design workshop on next generation tools to manage ALS and MS
On June 3rd took place the first open Co-design workshop of BRAINTEASER to present and discuss the digital tools that the consortium is in process of design and development. The workshop was conducted by Manuel Ottaviano (Universidad Politécnica of...

The European Brain Council launches “RETHINKING MS in times of COVID-19″ on the occasion of World Multiple Sclerosis Day
On the occasion of the World Multiple Sclerosis Day (30 May 2021), the European Brain Council (EBC), member of the BRAINTEASER Consortium, announced the release of its new policy paper, “RETHINKING MS in times of COVID-19”. This new paper is part...

BRAINTEASER first environmental sensors workshop
The Environmental Sensor workshop - organized by both technical and clinical BRAINTEASER’ partners – was aimed at discussing some crucial aspects for the development of meaningful Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)...

BRAINTEASER online Workshops: Patients and Clinical Needs for MS and ALS
BRAINTEASER has started the co-design activities to define the system functionalities to be developed to improve the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)patients’ quality of life, and to support caregivers and health...

Press release
Officially started on the 1st of January 2020, the H2020 BRAINTEASER project kicked off its operational activities last week, January 28th and 29th, at the presence of its project officer Mr Tobias Wiesenthal, Head of Sector 'Research and...